cpp tokens

C++ Tokens

AS we know The smallest individual units in a program are knows as tokens, c++ has the following tokens

1. Keywords
2. Identifiers
3. constant
4. strings
5. operators

every c++ program is written using these tokens, white spaces and the syntax of the language. most all the c++ tokens are similar to the c tokens.


The keywords implement specific c++ language features. They are explicitly reserved identifiers and cannot be used as names for the program variable or other user-defined program elements

c++ keywords are following. many of them are common to both c language and c++. The ANSI c keywords are show. Additional keywords have been added to the ANSI C keywords in order to enhance its feature and make it an object oriented language. ANSI C++ standards committee has added some additional keywords to make the language more versatile. These are shown below

auto else new switch
operator temple break enum
private this case extern
throws catch float public
try char for register
typedef class typedef friend
return union const goto
short unsigned continue if
signed virtual default inline
sizeof int delete static
volatile do long struct

C++ Identifier and constant

Identifiers refers to the name of variables, functions, array, classesm etc created by The programmer. They are the fundamental requirement of nay language. Each language has its own rules for the naming these identifiers.

The following rules are common to both c and the c++

1. The name cannot be start with a digit.
2. only alphabet character, digits and underscore are permitted.
3. Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct.
4. A declare keyword cannot be used as a varibale name.

Some valid Identifiers examples are

number Amount_pay reg1 _data AVERAGE

Some Invalid Identifiers examples are-

6number int reg# 4data AVERAGE no

Constant click here to learn

Operators in c++ click here to learn

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