cpp derived data type

C++ Drived data types



The application of arrays in c++ is similar to c programming language. The only exception(error) is the way character arrays are initialized . when initializing a character array in ANSI C language, the compiler will allow us to declare the array size as the exact(correct) length of the string constant . for example

Drived Data types Arrays The Array in c++ are similar to the C language. For example

char string[5]="nitish"; is valid in ANSI C.

it assumes that the programmer intends to leave out the character \0 null in the definition.

but in c++ the size should be one longer than the number of characters in the string

char string[5]="jolo"; // its ok for c++


function have major changes in c++ programming. while some of these changes are simple, others are require a new way of thinking when organizing our programs. many of these modification and improvements were driven by the requirements of the object oriented concept of c++, some of these were introduced to make the c++ program more reliable and readable. all the features of c++ functions are discuss


pointers are declared and initialized as in c language example

int *iptr; // int pointers
iptr=&y; // address of y assigned to iptr
*iptr=10; // 10 assigned to y through indirection

c++ language adds the concept of the constant pointer and pointer to a constant

char * const ptr1="Nice"; //constant pointer

we can not modify the address that ptr1 is initialized to

int const *ptr1=&m; //pointer to a constant

ptr2 is declared as pointer to a constant. it can point to any variable of correct type, but the contents of what it points to cannot be changed pointer are extensively used in c++ for memory management and achieving polymorphism

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