header files in c

Header files in c

The processor directive #include is used to include a file into the source code of program. we used this in the program to include header files. The file name should be between angle brackets. The syntax is

#include< filename >

The after including the file by #include the complete content of the file can be used in the program. when the filename is with in the angle brackets, then the file is searched in the standard include directory only.Generally angle brackets are used to include standard header files while double quotes are used to include header files realated to the particular program. we can also give whole path instead of the path name. for example


but the #include directive should not be used to include the content of other ‘.c’ files. only it is used for include header files only. Header files are given ‘.h’ extension and hearder files are contains macros defination, structure,union funtions definations etc