C escape sequence

C escape sequence

Some characters newline, backspace, tab can’t be display like other characters or string. so there is c supports the combination of backslash (\) . These all character combinations are called escape sequences or known as escape sequences. And these represents by two characters. so the first character is “\” and the second character is from the C character set. here in the below some Escape sequence in C characters are given below-

Escape sequence Meaning ASCII value Purpose
\b backspace 008 Moves the cursor to the previous position of the current line.
\r carriage return 013 moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
\a alert 007 produce a audio
\f form feed 012 moves the cursor to the initial position to the next page
\n new line 010 in this move the cursor to the beginning of the next line
%0 Null character 000 used for termination of the character string
v verticle tab 011 moves the cursor to next verticle position
\t Horizontal tab 009 moves the cursor to next horizontal position
\\ backslash 092 print the character with backslash (\)

Let us take example to understand escape sequence

int main()
int marks;
printf("\n IAM FROM INDIA");
return 0;

horizontal tab, blank, vertical tab, newline, ,form feed, carriage return are know as whitespace in c language