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Data types in c Data types in c programming, A data types defines a domain of allowed values and the what type of values will be store and what types of operations performs. storage represents every different data types with different memory blocks. in C languages there some data types predefined, Derived, Enumeration, void
The C language supports following types of Data types
Integer type Integers are used to store whole numbers. Size and range of Integer type on 16-bit machine: ![]() Floating point type Floating types are used to store real numbers. Size and range of float type on 16-bit machine: ![]() Character type Character types are used to store characters value. Size and range of character type on 16-bit machine ![]() so int is use to stored integer type value, char is used to store any single character, float is use for storing single precision floating point number and the last is double are use for storing double precision floating point number. These basic data types also divides into two types– The qualifiers long and short we can be apply to int type to get types short int and long int. And The Qualifier long we can applied to double to get type of long double. And The sizes and range of different different data types on a 16-bit machine is given in this table. The size and range may be vary on machine by machine