C format specifiers

C format specifiers

The function scanf() and printf() make use of conversion specification to specify the type and size of data or datatype. Every conversion specification or format specification start with a percentage sign % –

The format specifier is at the time of input and output. It is the way to tell to the compiler what type of data is in a variable at the time input using scanf() and printing using printf() functions.

Some examples are %d, %f, %c etc.

There are some Format specifiers in C programming given below

format specifiers for printf()

printf(char *format, arg1, arg2, …)

Format specifier Meaning
%c Print a single character
%i, %d printf a decimal integer
%u print an unsigned decimal integer
%x print an unsigned hexadecimal integer using a,b,c,d,e,f
%X printf an unsigned hexadecimal integers using A,B,C,D,E,F
%o print an unsigned octal integer
%f print a floating point number
%e print the floating point number in the exponential format
%E Same as the %e. but it is print E for exponent
%g print the floating point number in float %f or %e format whichever is shorter.
%% print the % sign.
%s print the string
%p print the pointer

Format specifier for scanf()

Format specifier Meaning
%c read a single character
%d read signed decimal integer
%u read an unsigned decimal integer
%x, %X read an unsigned hexadecimal integer
%o read an unsigned octal integer
%f read a floating point number
%e read the floating point number in the exponential format
%E read Same as the %e. but it is read E for exponent
%g, %G read the floating point number in float %f or %e or %E format whichever is shorter.
%s read the string

Let us take example to understand format specifier

int main()
int marks;
printf("Enter the marks"); /* print as String */
scanf("%d",&marks); /* read integer type value from user */
printf("Entered marks is= %d",marks);
return 0;

int main()
int x=6;
int y=8;
printf("Value of x is:%d", x);
printf("\nValue of y is:%d",y);
return 0;

int main()
int a=5;
int b= -5;
printf("Value of a is:%u", a);
printf("\nValue of b is:%u",b);
return 0;